we had successfully completed restructuring work by end of 2010,harbin dongsheng purchased cangzhou dongsheng, cangzhou dongzhong and harbin yindacheng trading company,established harbin dongsheng as the parent company with three subsidiaries.
we enter into the shareholding reform stage with securities company, lawyer and accounting firm, preparatory work for the ipo in year of 2013.
prospects of alloying tablet
the world wide aluminium output and consume over 35 million tons. as to the iai forecast the world consume of aluminium will increasing two times of 60 to 70 million tons in the year of 2020, china aluminium will increasing over 18% annually, over 90% aluminium will be made into aluminium alloy, over 70% aluminium alloy need to have around 3% alloying element of fe , mn ,cu,ti and cr,then the total consume of alloying element will be=11million tons×90%×70%×3%=207.9 thousands tons,the total output value will be around =rmb20000/mt×207.9thousands tons=rmb4.158billions。
the equal content of element si in the aluminium alloy will be around 1.7%,so the consume of si will be = 11million tons×90%×1.7%=168.3thousand tons , if all the aluminium casting house could use our fast melting silicon fully, assume rmb13000/mt, the output volume=rmb13000/mt×168.3thousands tons=rmb2.2billion tons
the total consume of alloying tablet and fast melting silicon will be 376.2thousand tons, approximately rmb 5billion.
china will consume rmb10billion in the year of 2020, will be rmb20 billion of the world, have the broad prospects in this field。